Coloring and Straightening, can you do them both?

Coloring and Straightening, can you do them both?

Long live science and technology that have allowed us the opportunity to transform our dreams into realities. So we were born with black hair and curls, but we like (and probably have been teached by society) that straight and blonde are more beautiful.

Do we want these things no matter the cost, in money and effort and sometimes to the detriment of our health??? Well, the objective of this article is to give you some information so you can make your own knowledgeable decision.

As you probably know the color of your hair is determined by your genetics, your melanocytes produce melanin that depending on how much you will have more or less darkness in your hair, when that production slows down or stops we get white hairs. To change that we need to decolor (bleach) our hair or apply a color over our natural color. In both cases you will need to open the cuticles of your hair to allow the color to penetrate the strand and stay there, otherwise you would lose the effect as soon as you wash your hair. This is a process of denaturalization because to do this you will need to change the structure and natural oils that protect the strand, making it weaker.

Here comes the straightening, here as well we have some options permanent, semi permanent or just temporarily.

Than will deposit certain chemical compounds, changing the structure of the protein bonds that gives shape to your hair. Sometimes these bonds are permanently broken and the cuticles open, oils are taken out and therefore the care your hair will need to look soft and shiny will need to be given in the form of deep treatments and conditioners. The product you utilize to straighten your hair could react with the coloring product making it lighter or producing chemical reactions that could burn it and break it, if you add heat, is a big toll to put on a tissue that is already dead and does not regenerates, meaning whatever you take out of your hair, you need to reapply externally because hair does not have the capacity to recover. (yes, even when pretty much every marketing product says otherwise).

What to do first?


 If there is a choice I would recommend straightening first, and doing it with the least invasive product. Stay away from formaldehyde based products if you plan to also bleach your hair. If your curl is not too strong opt for a biphasic reconstructive straightener that will progressively make it more manageable. Wait at least a week to color your hair (never the same day) and apply conditioners to provide some of the lost oils, proteins and amino acids.

Always wear a thermal protective leave-in, and serums that will create covers over the hair strand serving as a protective barrier.

Last but not least and most importantly find a professional that knows what they are doing and will work on your best interest not their pockets. Remember these changes often are expensive and require more maintenance the more stuff you do.


Enjoy your hair! It’s Beautiful!



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